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Helping Your Little One See Clearly: A Journey with Accommodative Esotropia

As your little one grows, their world becomes full of amazing new things to see and explore. However, sometimes children face a challenge with their vision. One common condition is accommodative esotropia.  Accommodative esotropia is when one or both eyes turn inward when focusing on nearby objects. This can make activities like reading or playing […]

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Semaglutide (Ozempic) Use and the Risk of NAION: Understanding the Connection

Semaglutide, a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist (GLP-1 RA), has become a cornerstone treatment for managing type 2 diabetes and, more recently, obesity. Its ability to lower blood sugar levels, promote weight loss, and reduce cardiovascular risk has made it a popular choice among healthcare providers. However, as with any medication, semaglutide is not without potential […]

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